About Kalpataru Yogam

What is the Program About?

Each of us want to achieve so many things in life. Sometimes thing happen effortlessly, sometimes with struggle, sometimes even after so much effort, it just doesn't seem to move. Have we ever thought why? Is it how it is meant to be? Or just that you have not put the effort in the right direction? How do you know? Is it your bad luck that you couldn't achieve what you want? Or is it that someone else is stopping it? How can you break the barriers and achieve what you want in life? Sanatana Hindu Dharma has the science of manifest your reality and our beloved Swamiji, H. H. Parmahamsa Nithyananda has made it into an easy-to-practice technique. This powerful technique of manifesting your reality is taught in this program, so you can apply this technique to manifest whatever reality you want.

What does "Kalpataru" mean?

Kalpataru is a rare, sacred type of tree which is historically known in the Hindu scriptures and to people throughout India, to fulfill the wishes of those beings that visit Kalpataru trees. Kalpataru trees are all around India, and to actually come across one you are really blessed and fortunate; for they manifest desires instantly. Enlighten beings throughout the ages and present day, spend time under banyan trees and energize the tree, hence it becomes a Kalpataru. Some Kalpataru tree becoming very famous and powerful for the repeated visits by enlighten beings and avatars. Fortunately, within the Adi Kailasha Adheenam itself, Swamiji has a Kalpataru tree in our temple that grants many wishes daily to a countless number of beings.  The Kalpataru tree in the adheenam is a banyan over 1,000 years old with such a rich history of many divine stories that are to be told in time. However, Swamiji is like a walking, talking Kalpataru tree because of his power to manifest anybody’s desire. Being that Swamiji is Avatar of super consciousness. Swamiji has created this Kalpataru program and made it freely open and available to the world to come in person or online to receive the sacred blessing of turning any of your desires into reality. In this powerful and unique one day program, Swamiji will reveal the ancient Vedic science of manifesting one’s own desired reality they dream of.