If you are attending the program via 2-way at your own house or at a center, please wear white clothes.
If you are attending the program at Bengaluru aadheenam, please come in agamic attire only.
Agamic attire for men: White dhoti tied as yogavastram, white dhoti as devagacham, white dhoti as hip cloth. (White dhoti shld have golden bonder only – no other color border).
Agamic attire for women:White cotton saree with golden border.If you don’t have the above clothes, you can purchase them at the adheenam.
Agamic attire for men (1 set) – Comprises of three pieces – Costs Around Rs. 1000-1500/-
Agamic attire for men – Comprises of Saree, blouse, in skirt – Costs around Rs. 1000/-