Nithyanandam Old


Awaken All Your Potential Powers


In this amazingly profound program, Paramahamsa Nithyananda takes you through an intense and stunning journey inwards. Paramahamsa Nithyananda gifts you with the formula for inner world success which is being grounded and operating from high levels of unperturbed bliss and the formula for outer world success which starts with the energy inside you manifesting as constantly expanding creativity and success outside you. Through this program, you are presented the key to the ultimate way of existing in life which is being Sadashiva inside you and radiating Ishvaratva (ultimate leadership) outside you!

We have so many powers inside us
– The Power of Words
– The Power of Thinking
– The Power of Feeling
– The Power of Life

These are various powers we have inside. For example, a word which you utter can either make or break a relationship. The word we utter can make our life happy or break our life. All these are powers inside us. In Sanskrit we use the word “Kundalini Shakthi”. We have various, multiple, potential powers sitting inside us which are neither awakened nor used.

Nithyanandam is a process that works on your body, mind, physiology, psychology and consciousness to awaken all your potential powers like Power of Words, Power of Thinking, Power of Feeling, and Power of Living, ultimately the power to create a space to make whatever you want as reality. So, Nithyananda is all about awakening the inner potential energy you carry through time-tested, most authentic, powerful ancient Vedic secrets and techniques and methodologies. In Nithyanandam program, you receive initiation into the powerful technique of UNCLUTHING.

Unclutching is a powerful self-sufficient guide to your enlightenment, to upgrade your consciousness. It not only changes the way you perceive reality, it transforms reality itself. Unclutching is a very powerful process which touches the source where the perceiver and perceived both come out. It is the ultimate meditation technique. When you completely unclutch, tremendous awareness, energy and intelligence happens in your system. If we learn this one simple technique of unclutching, we will be able to retain a significant amount of energy in our system, in our being. As a result we will be many times more productive and creative. Relationships will improve. When your consciousness rises, you automatically become a leader of your life, you become God for yourself. – Ishvara for your life.

Nithyananda Kundalini Rajju℠ Yoga is the ultimate way to push the limits of flexibility and strength and is the female, or shakti, counterpart to Shivastambha yoga. Kundalini Rajju–yoga performed on the rope– pushes the yogic body to the next level and focuses on expanding the yogi’s flexibility. Asanas on the rope are designed to elongate the spine and ignite Kundalini Shakti. Through intense flips and twists, the body get detoxified and built into the body of a true yogi.

Nithyananda Shivastambha℠ Yoga: the first form of yoga EVER practiced. Taking modern day yoga to a whole new height, literally. This ancient practice of yoga on a 9 foot pole extracts the qualities of a yogi that are lying dormant within you: power, flexibility, focus & stamina. Performing various asanas on the pole awakens the kundalini, heightens your consciousness and connects you to the Divine, Sadashiva Himself. Performing asanas on the pole brings pure strength to the yogic body.

You will be receiving third eye initiation as part of this program and will start to manifest the shaktis of third eye. The Third eye is an intra-organ, a subtle or non-physical organ that all human beings possess. It is called the ‘Third Eye’ because the moment it is activated, you will be able to see without and beyond your two physical eyes. Blindfolded reading or reading without the need of the two eyes – is the visible side-effect of initiation into Third Eye Awakening. Third Eye Awakening is not a spiritual process alone. Its effects can be directly experienced in your very physical plane. It has clear defined powers that can help you explore not just the mystical path and spiritual experiences, but make so many extraordinary things happen in your day-to-day life.

What Happens During Third Eye Initiation?
When a person sits in the Avatar’s presence in a receptive and unclutched mood, and the experience is directly transmitted from the Avatar’s bio-memory to his own bio-memory without any effort on the person’s part, it is called Initiation. The Third Eye can be awakened through initiation (deeksha) – the direct transmission of spiritual energy by the Avatar.

You will be initiated into following powers during the program:
1. Vaakshakthi to make boons happen – using coconuts
2. Vaakshakthi for health, wealth, relationships
3. Vaakshakthi to move anything … situations
4. Power of having continous karma breakthrough
5. Quantum memory level 1
6. Remote vision to identify attractions at never before heard of places
7. Emitting divine fragrance
8. Power to make heavy objects light – lahima
9. Power to speak what the person needs to hear
10. Power of giving life critical solutions through third eye


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Dress Code

Dress code for Men: White dhoti and Kurta / Agamic attire
Dress code for Women: White salwar / White Chudidar / Agamic attire
You will need Agamic attire on days of Special Initiations.

  • Agamic attire for men: White dhoti tied as yogavastram, white dhoti as devagacham, white dhoti as hip cloth. (White dhoti should have golden border only – no other color border).
  • Agamic attire for women: White cotton saree with golden border.

  • If you don’t have the above clothes, they are available at the aadheenam.
    Agamic attire for men (1 set) – Comprises of three pieces – Costs Around 1000-1500/-
    Agamic attire for women – Comprises of saree, blouse, in skirt – Costs around Rs. 1000/-

  • Dress Code for Yoga sessions for Women: Black tracks / black t-shirt and Black tights (kundalini rajju yoga)
  • Dress Code for Yoga sessions for Men: Black tracks / black t-shirt and Black shorts (shiva stambha yoga)

    Yes! I want to attend

  • For residents of India, the program is priced at INR 1,00,000/-
    For residents outside of India, the program is priced at USD 2000/-
  • Register for the program at NDM Registration Form
  • Once you register, you will receive details to make full payment for the program.
  • Once you fully pay for the program, you will be receiving your registration ID and a link to the Welcome Brochure, in which all your next steps are explained in detail.
  • This program happens in Bengaluru Adheenam only. You need to travel to India to attend this program. The processes and initiations in this program are of an advanced nature and hence cannot be offered on 2-way video conferencing.