Nithya Dhyan Yoga
Live a Disease Free, Stress Free
& Blissful Healthy Life
& Blissful Healthy Life
What is the program about?
Nithya Dhyan Yoga program gives you an extraordinary access to powerfully dealing with impressions, patterns and emotions. There are seven key Chakras or Energy Centers in the human body that are responsible for the proper functioning of the body, mind, and heart. They deeply influence our physical, emotional and mental state. The presence of these energy centers in our body has now been scientifically documented by Kirlian photography. When any of the energy centers is low on energy, the system malfunctions and the body gets diseased. This changes the physical, mental, and emotional state from ease to ‘dis-ease’. This low energy can be felt much before it manifests itself in the physical body as a disease. If we keep the energy centers in a cleansed and energized condition, they can help us live a disease free, stress free, and blissful healthy life.
What are the benefits of the program?
The program leaves you with renewed energy levels, expanding each moment with a fresh and alive experience of life.
– Reduce stress
– Improve sleep
– Overcome fears and worries
– Improve Relationships
– Increase Clarity and Joy
– Create high Energy Levels
– Manifest the powers of Sadashiva!
The seven energy centers are as follows:
Muladhara Chakra – the root center: Experience for the first time being in ‘reality’. Experience your energy levels soaring to new heights!Swadishtana Chakra – the being center: Acquire the ability to confront fear and being in right action in the face of fears that stop you from living life fully! Experience a shift in the way you respond to challenging situations in your life.
Manipuraka Chakra – the navel center: Get rid of all your worries. Experience a worry-free space that leaves you with a unique freedom to mould your life the way you want it not getting stopped by worries and complaints that rule your life.
Anahata Chakra – The Heart Centre: Experience pure energy of love explode within you that leaves you with deep reverence and romance with everything in your life.
Vishuddhi Chakra – The Throat Centre – Unlock the highest cosmic energy zone in you that leaves you fresh and alive for longer periods of time with the ability to effectively use your energy to do more quality work in less time.
Ajna Chakra – The Brow Centre – Taste the space of being God where whatever you will, WILL happen! Experience being the author of your life.
Sahasraara Chakra – The Crown Centre – Establish yourself in gratitude and contentment that leaves you in a miraculous space where you are blooming with joy and celebration like never before!
These centers become blocked by our past pains, suffering, fears, worries, and loves. The deep cleansing techniques and meditations in the program dissolve the mental patterns and restrictive emotions that block the energy flowing in our chakras, resulting in physical, mental and psychological ailments.

You will be receiving third eye initiation as part of this program and will start to manifest the shaktis of Third Eye. The Third Eye is an intra-organ, a subtle or non-physical organ that all human beings possess. It is called the ‘Third Eye’ because the moment it is activated, you will be able to see without and beyond your two physical eyes. Blindfolded reading or reading without the need of the two eyes – is the visible side-effect of initiation into Third Eye Awakening. Third Eye Awakening is not a spiritual process alone. Its effects can be directly experienced in your very physical plane. It has clear defined powers that can help you explore not just the mystical path and spiritual experiences, but make so many extraordinary things happen in your day-to-day life.
You will be initiated into the power of “Chakra scanning”<>
By being in Oneness, a person with an awakened Third Eye can just take a glance and see their chakras and what is blocking those chakras. In this case, the chakras which exist in the metaphysical plane can be seen through the awakened third eye, they can see how they are functioning and what is blocking those chakras as well. The utility of this power is that any discomfort, uneasiness and disease can be diagnosed before it becomes serious. One can even deduct in which pattern / emotion each person is stuck and prescribe solutions for them.
For those attending the program physically in Bengaluru Aadheenam, you need to bring your Govt. issued ID card (original). All the materials needed for the program (notebook, pen, eyeband) will be provided for you as part of the program.
Also, all the required items for Shiva Deeksha initiation as per agama will be provided for all those taking the initiation. This includes:
– Mantra cards
– Bhasma bag (sacred ash bag)
– Shiva Deeksha name certificate
– Sacred thread for Gayathri Initiation
If you are attending the program via 2-way video conferencing, please have notebook, pen and eye band ready with you.
Dress Code
If you are attending the program at Bengaluru Aadheenam, please come in agamic attire only.
If you don’t have the above clothes, they are available at the aadheenam.
Agamic attire for men (1 set) – Comprises of three pieces – Costs Around 1000-1500/-
Agamic attire for women – Comprises of saree, blouse, in skirt – Costs around Rs. 1000/-
If you are attending the program via 2-way at your own house or at a center, please wear white clothes.