You will be receiving third eye initiation as part of this program and will start to manifest the shaktis of third eye.
The Third eye is an intra-organ, a subtle or non-physical organ that all human beings possess. It is called the ‘Third Eye’ because the moment it is activated, you will be able to see without and beyond your two physical eyes. Blindfolded reading or reading without the need of the two eyes – is the visible side-effect of initiation into Third Eye Awakening. Third Eye Awakening is not a spiritual process alone. Its effects can be directly experienced in your very physical plane. It has clear defined powers that can help you explore not just the mystical path and spiritual experiences, but make so many extraordinary things happen in your day-to-day life.
You will be initiated into the power of “Chakra scanning”
Chakra Scanning: By being in Oneness, a person with an awakened Third Eye can just take a glance and see their chakras and what is blocking those chakras. In this case, the chakras which exist in the metaphysical plane can be seen through the awakened third eye, they can see how they are functioning and what is blocking those chakras as well. The utility of this power is that any discomfort, uneasiness and disease can be diagnosed before it becomes serious. One can even deduct in which pattern / emotion each person is stuck and prescribe solutions for them.